National Safety Gaps Survey
Government spending doesn’t match. We’re left with a gap in health and safety.
A national report shows government spending being misplaced, while the views of American voters provide a roadmap for where public safety investments should be redirected.
Download the Report →U.S. spending on the criminal justice system is now as high as $300 billion, up from $40 billion in 1982.
Yet, we continue to shortchange health and safety solutions for communities.
Crime victims don’t get help. Mental health and addiction treatment are not available. People are blocked from economic opportunities for reentry.
U.S. Criminal Justice System Spending
Crime Victims
Less Than
crime survivors report receiving help to recover
Read Kimesha's story in the report »
When crime survivors did receive help, it was generally not from the criminal justice system.
7 out of 10 of violent crime victims have been victimized more than once
When crime survivors did receive help, it was generally not from the criminal justice system.
?People With Past Convictions
70 Million
Americans are living with a past conviction or record that carries legal restrictions, blocking them from jobs and housing.
This groundbreaking report should serve as a guide towards safety solutions that American voters support, helping to align government spending with what can keep us safe.
Shared Safety efforts at the federal, state and local levels are advancing with success.